Saturday, November 24, 2007

Okay I was tagged by Sam so here is five things you probably do not know about me.

Before I went to uni I worked in the fitness industry as a instructor, I also worked as a remedial therapist, with kids with disabilities and I ran a cooking course for adults.

I have never been overseas, however this will change next year, my cousin and I are going overseas.

Recently I was taken on a date, where the guy flew me down the coast and back for the afternoon.

I am afraid of mice, but not at all afraid of spiders, in fact have had a couple of huntsmen in my house for extended amounts of time, even cried one day when I realised my spider mate that I had not seen for some time had been squashed in the window fame. That one would even sit on my palm of my hand, to my daughter’s disgust.

I have never taken any of my children to MacDonald’s to eat! The oldest being 18 1/2. In fact once when we were asked by friends if we wanted to go to MacDonald’s for a meal my 18 year old, who was four then commented to my embarrassment, ‘What MacDonald’s!!! We don’t eat that sh*t, anyway they cut down rainforest's to make that food’ LOL gotta love out of the mouths of babies…………. and talking of such things my four year old said o me today ‘You know mum if you say nice things, you meet nice people and get to go to nice places!!! How cute is that. Enjoy the weekend all, I tag Kimmy, Sue, Nic and Charlotte


Em said...

I love mice and rats and i don't mind spiders but not sure about having on on my hand?

Hope your little one has bounced back from gastro its so yucky to have!

Keep up with the good work:)

Miss Positive said...

Ooooh I dont know how you could have that huntsman sitting on your hand!!!! I'm squirming just thinking about it!!

Hope Jacob is feeling better.

Hilary xx

Dianna Broeren said...

I am laughing very loudly at you little ones comment on McDonalds! That is a how'd the date go and where are you planning to go overseas? Tell me things I don't know and I ask questions : )

LizN said...

I'm just like you, don't mind spiders either but cannot abide mice ;)

Liz )