Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thursday already

Well time is ticking on by. Just over a week before uni starts back. I have been training very hard and got my routine on Monday. I just love it!!! I have learnt the intro and part of the next stage of it. Jo Rogers is so very clever. Less than 2 weeks until I go up to Brisbane/gold coast for posing lessons and seminar. I am very much looking forward to that.

Well yes my leg training. My goodness it is quite mentally challenging as well physically, however I am sure it will bring results and that is what we want. To tell you the truth I just try not to think about it at all. I generally do legs on Sunday, I think it is a good way to start the week; I just go and do it. Grunt and groan and pant a bit (or a lot). Eventually it is over. And sh@t I feel good after I have accomplished it and I waddle out of the gym.

Today I managed to increase either reps or weights for quite a few exercises, it always amazes me how for me anyway strength gains often come in leaps and bounds, both forward and sometime backward. I would imagine a lot of things influence these gains as well. I shoulder pressed 10 repsx3 today using 15 kgs dumbbells. Funny because I have a shoulder injury and it is playing up a little with every day activities but didn’t whinge at me today at all at the gym. Maybe only slightly doing upright rows.

My little fella has moved up to the preschool room at day care, my goodness he loves it and what an attitude he has developed over the past week in regard to being big now!!! The pre school room kids are called kangaroos and he was telling me this morning, "how he is such a big kangaroo and because of this he can climb any tree, because that is what big kangaroos do you see" Gotta love em!!!

Anyway very busy day ahead of me, take care and be back as soon as time permits!!


Di Broeren said...

Wow those holidays went quick! Can't wait to see the result of all your hard work in July : )


Splice said...

You are stronge!! Your strength will continue to climb if you keep at it.
Boy your doing well. :-)