Sunday, October 08, 2006

All this excitement!! Congratulations to all you great girls who competed on the weekend!! You all truly inspire me.

So I had a reasonably uneventful weekend, got a bit of study done, watched a good Australian film, well not sure that good is an accurate description, it was gruesomely brutal, amazing cinematography and extremely good acting. It was called the Proposition.

After seeing it I realised my cousin had done all the props for the film, so that was a bonus!

My training is still coming along, and I still have to be aware of my shoulder. I think it is a bit better though. Did a spin class on the weekend, the girl who took it alternates with another girl. S##T she gives you a caning, my goodness she has so much energy I am surprised she doesn’t bounce of walls, lovely young girl, just totally wired. So that of course means a hell of a workout!

Well I am hoping to complete two major assignments over the next 7 days. I am going to set myself a goal with them. If I do means I am on the home run for the semester and will have a bit of time to study for exams.

Well had better get back to a little bit more before I go to my bed, have a great week all, and once again congratulations to those that competed!


Em said...

Looks like you have been a busy bee!!
Good luck with your assignments:)
I hope you get plenty of time to study for exams, nothing like cramming sessions before exams hehe those were the days LOL

Cat said...

Hope all goes well with your final assignments & exam prep Ali.
All the best,

Splice said...

Hi Ali!
I guess we will finally get to meet :-).
I will be going down to Melbourne for the Nationals and I hear you will be there too.
I can't wait to meet you.
Deb xxx

Rachel said...

Goodluck with your final assignments Ali - not long now!!!