Friday, July 07, 2006

Thanks so much guys for your well wishes!!

My hip is great!! My quad fortunately is fine as well.

My shoulder is still not good, had another massage today, will see the effect over the next few days, think I will have to watch and cut out what exercises that appear to contribute to trigger it, presses seem fine lateral side raise not good :(

Lat pull down seems okay.

Have a great weekend everyone


Cherie said...

Doh!! Those damn niggles. At least the rest of you in now better. I hope your shoulder gets better soon.

Em said...

Take it easy hun,
Rest is usually the best option when all else fails.
Just change up your workouts so that you can still hit the muscles without creating pain or more damage.
The count down is on now hun :)

Splice said...

Just dont worry about the side laterals until your shoulder gets better. It will still be ok in relation to training.
Hips are good - check
Quads are good - check
You are on your way then ;-).
Have a great week.